
Tips For Effective Praxis Study
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Passing a Praxis exam successfully can be your ticket to a highly rewarding teaching career. Not only that, the Praxis test series can also cement your reputation as an educator. That is why it’s important you don’t take chances with the study preparation for your Praxis tests, considering that proper study is key to passing the test and securing your future. Here are some tips to help you get ready for that Praxis test:
Know which Praxis test to take.
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Passing a Praxis exam successfully can be your ticket to a highly rewarding teaching career. Not only that, the Praxis test series can also cement your reputation as an educator. That is why it’s important you don’t take chances with the study preparation for your Praxis tests, considering that proper study is key to passing the test and securing your future. Here are some tips to help you get ready for that Praxis test:
Know which Praxis test to take.
There are 3 Praxis test series you will need to take depending on the licensure and requirement you have to fulfill. Know what your specific test is and what type of tests to expect.
Study ahead of time.
Schedules for Praxis tests are posted on the websites of the Department of Education and the Educational Testing Services. Know how much time you have to study for your Praxis test by checking out the schedules online.
Familiarize yourself.
It would be a very helpful study strategy to familiarize yourself with the format and layout of the Praxis exam. Knowing how the test booklet will look like, where the questions will be found and how you will be using the answer sheet will not only save you time during the test but also help lessen your anxiety and pre-test jitters.
Know what kind of test content and question types to expect and find out what specific teaching skills each test will measure. Another important consideration during your Praxis study is the time limit, so you’ll know how to pace yourself when you’re taking the exam.
You might also want to check out some resources that can provide you with information about past Praxis tests. There are plenty of resources online that will familiarize you with the common methods and questions used in the tests. Don’t expect these to actually appear on your testing day, however. Praxis tests are reviewed and changed regularly so what you find online or offline may not appear on the actual test.
Study and study hard.
While a good number of test takers don’t study for their Praxis tests and still pass, there’s also a high percentage among failures who did not bother to prepare themselves. Remember that the Praxis test is an assessment of your knowledge and skills, many of which were obtained over your many years of study. The Praxis test series will not measure your interest or disposition in teaching so it will be necessary that you study all relevant material to help you pass the exam.
You might want to design an effective study schedule to help you gradually sort through and review your study materials. Read about case studies, do classroom observations and practice teaching. Learn how to identify specific information in questions to help you cut reading time.
Learn about your pacing by taking practice tests from online sites. You’ll be able to observe your speed and accuracy by doing so and still be able to come up with corrective measures. If you’re confident about multiple choice tests, spend more time on constructed response tests to improve your score. Most importantly, keep track of the time you spend reading questions and writing your answers.
Should I use the services of a professional study center?
If you think you’ll need extra help with your Praxis study, go ahead. Just make sure to pick a reputable group to work with. Ask about their methods, rates of success and if you prefer, reviews from former students.

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