The Purity Of Distilled Water

This section will show you the best ways to infuse your cells and your body with life giving nourishment, water.
What makes up 70-80% of our planet? Water.
What makes up 70-80% of our body? That’s right, water.
Water is the single most important nutrient you will give your body apart from oxygen. Water rejuvenates us and carries vital nutrients all round the body where it’s needed. Water picks up all the leftovers, wastes and debris that the cells throw off into the lymph system and transport them out of the body via the channels of elimination.
So, when you drink more water it has the double combination of feeding your body and clearing you of all the waste products that were built up in your system.
Your brain needs water, and plenty of it. Without water, your brain will operate worn out, tired and sluggish. Water is the ultimate gift to give yourself to think with clarity. In addition, water acts as a kind of healthy lubricant moistening tissues and joints.
When you drink, you want to avoid tap water. Tap water is more like a dazzling mix of chemicals. It contains fluoride, chlorine, and many others. The amount of chemicals in water will fill up books – it’s more like a chemical soup. The evidence that fluoride is poisonous is so overwhelming that it’s being pushed to be banned in many countries by action groups.
The thirst mechanism when having been turned off for a prolonged period is often mistaken for hunger. As you drink more water your thirst mechanism will return to its natural state. Not only will you begin to feel thirsty when you need water again, but your appetite will decrease.
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Do you know the best water to use? The best water to use is the same water you use in your iron. The purest water in the world is distilled water. It’s as pure as rainwater should be if our atmosphere wasn’t polluted.
If you haven’t yet heard that 70% of the world’s population is dehydrated – you will soon, as the UN push to get water supply to people in the third world.
The second best method of filtering is a type of filtering called “reverse osmosis”. Unfortunately the standard bench top filter isn’t enough.
Most of the nasty contaminants in our water simply don’t have a taste. Some people feel it’s a case of “out of sight out of mind”. This may work for things people think, yet when it comes to your body, the life of your children, the health of those you care about and the line between getting cancer and surviving it’s far short of acceptable.
The opportunity for energy, for vitality, for a quality of life only known to a select few who choose to raise their standards and take action to apply what they know. Some of these simple principles are hard to come across and are based on some of the newest discoveries, out of the United States, out of Germany, and out of Australia and other countries. How does this apply to me you may ask? Well, these contaminants can kill you. Is this a reason to get upset? No, it’s simply an action signal/wake up call to act smarter.
The best bit is when you’re drinking absolutely pure distilled water is that it is so much easier to drink. It’s so much easier to refreshingly flood your body with purity that will flush out chemicals, clear out the lymph system and contribute to expelling excess weight in the body. Because distilled water is so easy to drink and be absorbed by your body without having to flush out the other nasties first that many people report who were struggling to drink half a litre of water a day, are now drinking 4 litres a day and up, with ease! If you can’t get distilled water, reverse osmosis filtered or “table water” is the next best option.
Many people in third world countries don’t have access to a clean water supply. We in developed countries have currently almost unlimited access to clean water. My suggestion to you is to use it!

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