Overview Of Medical Assistance For Persons With Disabilities Ages 3-21

Medical Assistance (MA), or Medicaid, is a federal/state insurance program that pays for health and treatment services for children and adults with disabilities. Some of these services include such things as health screenings, therapies, behavioral support services, transportation, and home healthcare. Medical Assistance was authorized on July 1, 1969, under the Social Security Act, Title…

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a psychiatric behavior disorder that is characterized by aggressiveness and a tendency to purposefully bother and irritate others. These behaviors cause significant difficulties with family and friends and at school or work. Oppositional defiant disorder is sometimes a precursor of conduct disorder. Much of the literature tends to lump…

Once You Discover and Act on This ‘Secret’ to Health and Energy, You May be Changed for the Better for the Rest of Your Life

I discovered something completely, 100% amazing about 5 years ago. The first thing it did for me health- wise was get rid of my back problem to the point that I no longer needed the chiropractic treatment that I would get once or twice per month. Another thing it did after a while was give…

On Dis-ease

We are all terminally ill. It is a matter of time before we all die. Aging and death remain almost as mysterious as ever. We feel awed and uncomfortable when we contemplate these twin afflictions. Indeed, the very word denoting illness contains its own best definition: dis-ease. A mental component of lack of well being…

Omega 3 and Reduced Risk of Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction is a technical term used to describe an irreversible injury to heart muscle. It is normally used as a synonym for a heart attack and will be so used in this essay. Myocardial infarction is normally related to progressive atherosclerosis (blockage of the arteries.) Essentially the heart is slowly starved of oxygen and…