Ten Of The Best Supplements That Men Need For Optimum Nutrition

There are many nutrition supplements at your local health food store. So many to choose from so confusing which ones are the right ones. How many should you take? Here you will learn what you need to take for the best health benefits. A word of warning here although these products are convenient getting some…

Surgical Hypnosis

When people set aside the usual myths and misconceptions associated with hypnosis good things usually happen. Recently, hypnosis has been getting some positive national exposure increasing the publics general awareness of its health related benefits and its role as an increasingly popular frontline holistic healer. Hypnosis is non-invasive, soothing and once the client understands the…

Surfing Your Adrenalin Wave: How To Dissolve–Not Disguise–Anger

Feel that rising tide of anger? Surf’s up! Start paddling. Whenever we feel angry or frustrated, we get a blast of adrenalin coursing through our bloodstream. In the fight or flight response to stress, our bodies rely on our appendages. We need to hit, kick, jump or run away, and our bodies help out by…