Some characteristic changes occur in the tongue in some particular diseases.That is why the examination of the tongue is very essential and will give some clues for diagnosis.All doctors examine the tongue and they consider the changes in size,shape,,colour,moisture,coating,nature of papillae and movements ect. Appearance of tongue in some abnormal conditions:- 1) Movements of the…

Tips for Helping Remove Anxiety, Depression and Stress Over Lost Loved Ones During The Holidays

Tips for Helping Remove Anxiety, Depression and Stress Over Lost Loved Ones During The Holidays During the Holidays, when family and closeness is a premium on everyone’s mind, there are those of us who do not have loved ones in our lives, as they have departed. In my years as a Medical Intuitive and Intuitive…

Thinking Outside The Box Concerning Congestive Heart Failure

“Think outside the box!” These words show up in commercials, boardrooms, operating rooms and casual conversations. They have become the calling card of the young creative hotshot trying to secure an impressive position in a choice company. They mark the inventive thinker and condemn the one doing everything in the same old fashion. For the…

The Truth About Halitosis, More Commonly Known As Bad Breath

PART I: THE SCIENCE OF HALITOSIS AND BACTERIA IN YOUR MOUTH Halitosis, also more commonly known as bad breath, is caused by anaerobic producing bacteria which normally live WITHIN the surface of the tongue and in the throat. These bacteria are supposed to be there because they assist with digestion by breaking down proteins found…