
Title: Online Certification Word Count: 527 Summary: A certificat ion is a statement indicating the participation or completion of the beholder to a significant event or affair. It becomes evident in the form of a certificate, a letter-sized parchment or board paper containing details on the certification granted to the awardees or participant. Only authorized…


Title: Online Business Administrat ion Degrees Increasingly Popular Word Count: 545 Summary: A few decades ago online business degrees were virtually unheard of. Today they are very much in demand for those wanting to fast track their careers. The primary reason that online business degree administration courses are so popular is because they are, quite…


Title: No Adult Left Behind: 5 Big B enefits Of Lifelong Learning Word Count: 506 Summary: Malcolm Knowles (1913-1997), pioneer in adult education, titled one of his books, “For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species.” And no wonder. Many people closed their books halfway…


Title: New Graduation Requirements For The C lass Of 2008 Word Count: 508 Summary: This year, the state’s new graduation requirements become “real” as students in Seattle schools in the class of 2008 receive the results of their first attempt at the 10th-grade Washington Assessment of Student Learning (For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland…