
Title: Why Lighting Happens During A Thunderstorm Word Count: 554 Summary: A dramatic concoction of electrical discharges and loud thunders along with torrential downpour, hail and sometimes snow is a thunderstorm. Everyday about 40000 thunderstorms occur in the world, most commonly in the equatorial region and in the United States, specifically in the Midwest and…


Title: Why Learn German? Word Count: 409 Summary: Ist means is, whil e Gut means good. Milch is milk and Kaffee is coffee. Here’s another one. Bett is bed and Braun is brown. Do these words have almost the same spelling? Yes they do. Although different in pronunciation, the German and English languages came from…


Title: Why A Tornado Occurs Word Count: 337 Summary: Earth’s weat her can produce various kinds of windstorm which include waterspouts, dust devils and tornadoes. Although they have the common features of a column of rotating air, they are actually formed through different processes. Dust devils and small whirlwinds are caused by severe local heating…