
Title: Athletics Are the Right Track to Sc holastic Success Word Count: 276 Summary: This year, the nation’s largest amateur track series begins its 31st season as young female athletes compete in the Colgate Women’s Games. Keywords: Athletics Are the Right Track to Scholastic Success Article Body: This year, the nation’s largest amateur track series…


Title: Aspen Le arning Content Management Server: Taking e-Learning to the Next Level Word Count: 316 Summary: With a workforce that can be spread across multiple continents, and ever-decreasing budgets for travel and training, companies are turning to online content delivery systems to bring training to the employees without worrying about travel or instructor expenses….


title:Art Schools author:David Chandler source_url: es/education/article_148.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: An Art school has a primary focus on the visual arts, such as graphic design, illustration, painting, photography, and sculpture. They are specific to the type of education that you wish to obtain. Art schools differ from larger institutions by degrees including such classes as…


title:Art Is For Everyone author:Kemal Faruquee source_url:http://www.articl date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: One of the saddest views that I encounter is that art is elitist: an activity for the few. Nothing could be more wrong. Art is for everyone, and the creation of artwork makes people happy. Many people have told me over the years…


Title: Artists Biographies on Fil m: Top Movies about Visual Artists Word Count: 591 Summary: Here is a guide to the best movies that describes the life of visual artists. Keywords: visual artists biographies, Vincent Van Gogh biography,art,arts,entertainment Article Body: Visual artists biographies is a popular theme in the movie world. Moviemakers have always been…


Title: Article Submissi on Software ? Should We Submit Articles With Software? Word Count: 752 Summary: Article submission software ? people always ask if they are really useful in article marketing. To paraphrase that, what online marketers really want to know is whether there truly are merits in using them to submit articles. The truth…


Title: Are You Stressed by Stu dying for Exams? Study More Efficiently! Word Count: 499 Summary: Whether you are learning a new language or a subject like geography, these simple tips could save you hours of study time – and result in higher marks. Keywords: learn,learning,tip,tips,technique,techniques,study,studying,exam,exams,education,educations,language,languages,subject,subjects,notes,textbook,textbooks,marks,facts,information,repeat,repetition,test Article Body: Whether you are learning a new language…


title:Are You A Good Candidate For Distance Lear ning? author:Shaan Randow source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: If you have the self-determination and drive to listen well and study harder then you can learn in a live university or an online school. But some people seem better suited than others for distance learning programs. Researchers have…


title:Are There Pre-Re quisite Classes For Getting Your Criminal Justice Degree? author:Jim Greenberg source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: 4. Prerequisites for a criminal justice degree depend upon the institution where you will be pursuing your program. You will have to contact the institute and obtain details if they do have any prerequisites for an online…


title:Are Online Degrees Valid To Prospective Employers? author:Rose Musyoka source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Online distance learning has gained rapid popularity with the advent of the internet, which has proven to offer great supporting facilities and convenience for online education. However, just like everything else with pros and cons, the internet has also opened doors…