
title:Becoming A Police Officer, Firefighter & Postal Exam Just Became Easier author:Donna Moran source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: With the economy the way it is today, large numbers of people, both young and old are looking for a long term career which has some stability. The most common of which are police officers, firefighters, and…


Title: Basics of a Farm Word Count: 289 Summary: A farm: “Land that i s being operated by one producer with equipment, labor, accounting system, and management substantially separate from that of any other unit. Land on which tenants provide their own labor and equipment shall not be considered a separate farm.” A farm is…


title:Bad Credit Student Loan – What To Do If You Need One author:Mark Kessler source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Are you concerned that bad credit will prevent you from going to college? While it is true that finding student loans with excellent interest rates is easier if you have a sterling credit rating, bad credit…


title:Bachelor Degrees, Online? author:Sandy Baker source_url:http://w date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Should you get your bachelor degree online? For many people this would seem hard to do. Depending on the field of study that you plan to get, it can be actually quite welcoming and a great way to get in the education that you…


title:A Short Comparison Of Public Speaking Schools Of Thought: Toastmasters & Carnegie author:James Masterson source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: As everybody will certainly agree that having the confidence to speak publicly is a valuable skill, there is much debate as to which technique of public speaking is the most effective. Currently, the most recognized public…


Title: A short biography of some of Europe’s most loved and hated Monarchs – Pt 3 King George II Word Count: 889 Summary: During the last thousand years, European Monarchs have ruled Europe and the world with an iron fist and by fear, compassion and hatred. As their wealth grew from the riches of newly…