
Title: Chinese Opera Word Count: 536 Summary: Among the hundreds of form s of opera throughout China, Beijing Opera has the greatest influence and is therefore regarded as a national form. Since Liberation, much has been achieved in reforming this traditional beijing opera. Efforts have been made to eliminate the feudal aspects, to improve stagecraft,…


Title: Chinese Dragons Word Count: 297 Summary: The Chinese dragon is rendered as a long and serpent-like creature without wings. The Chinese dragon is said to be a strange mixture of several animals. Keywords: dragon, dragons, mythical, mystical, mythical creatures, chinese dragon, legend, myths, Article Body: The dragon was the sign of the Emperor, and…


title:Characteristic Of A Gifted Child author:Mary Joyce source _url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Since it is widely agreed upon in the educational and child development communities that early recognition of the characteristics of a gifted child, is a key factory in successfully developing the child, it is important for the parent to have at least…


title:Cell Phone IQ Tests author:Michael Rad source_url:http://www.articleci date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: IQ tests provide us with a fascinating view of ourselves and are frequently used to determine the potential of children and adults in various environments. Most IQ (or Intelligence Quotient) tests are used in schools, corporations and professional applications in order to assess…


Title: CCNA 640-801 Certification Primer (New Pattern) Word Count: 744 Summary: The CCNA certification is the most popular certification of the IT industry’s Network segment. It assesses the foundation concepts of networking that a technician or engineer may require while configuring small, medium and large sized LANs and For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland…


Title: Case Studies are Critical for Succeeding in Business Studies Word Count: 511 Summary: Whether you’re delving into a broad topic like marketing theory or a highly specialised field like stock valuation and depreciation, it’s helpful to examine case studies. Keywords: Marketing Theory, free educational resource, business studies theory, case studies, business studies Article Body:…


title:Career Choice: Automotive Systems Technology author:Matthew C. Keegan source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Bobby Ventura, a lanky 6’2″ blonde-haired blue-eyed high school junior, is a self described home mechanic who enjoys tinkering with his screaming yellow ’97 Mustang at every opportunity he can get. Having an uncle who runs a garage helped him to land…