
title:Monday The Day author:Ryan Fyfe source_url: les/education/article_183.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: The day of Monday is either considered the first or second day of the week. It comes after Sunday and before Tuesday. The name “Monday” comes from Mani, who is the Germanic Moon god. Monday is often considered to be the first day of…


title:Misunderstandings Due To Accents author:Lynn Bo source_ur l: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: America is a melting pot. That is what they say. New York City is certainly proof of that especially Queens NY. We have Greeks, Peruvians, Italians, Korean, Spanish and Indians. We in fact have people from over 120 countries, many recent arrivals. And…


Title: Educational Evaluation For Special Education Student With Autism Word Count: 711 Summary: All students in special education are required by law to have a complete evaluation every three years to determine eligibility for special education services. The following case study is about a student named “Adam”. Adam is seven years old and has autism….


Title: Educational Changes in the F ield of Information Technology Word Count: 376 Summary: As the information technology industry has grown, so have the related educational opportunities. Educational curriculum isn’t always the best gauge of industry changes within a particular field, although the rules which make that fact a plainly evident reality for most industries…