
Title: Home loan education is es sential before taking out a mortgage Word Count: 460 Summary: A naive mortgage applicant will have problems. Keywords: refinance rates, home loans, personal loans Article Body: Taking out a new home loan can be a very daunting process. Large financial purchases are of course more technical relative to everyday…


Title: Nursing Degree Program – Earn Yo ur Nurse Degree Online Word Count: 576 Summary: Nurses are an important part of the healthcare landscape. The health market always needs more nurses to join the force. With the nursing employment boom, many find that nursing schools are very demanding, which is why today, an online nursing…


title:Nursing Degree Application s Up, But Demand Still Exceeds Supply author:Neal Brown source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_383.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: For the fifth year in a row, applications have increased for schools offering a nursing degree according to American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Unfortunately this continuing increase still can’t keep up with the demand as over 32,000…


Title: Higher Education: Finding The Right College For You Word Count: 673 Summary: If you are approaching the end of high school and are ready to begin investigating colleges, there are several factors to consider before deciding what college is right for you. Whether you want to study medicine or painting, accounting or physical education,…


Title: Nursing Continuing Education For the 21st Century Word Count: 869 Summary: Nursing education provides the basic building blocks of medical, scientific, and nursing knowledge, but competence in the nursing profession requires an ongoing process of continuing education. How does the busy working nurse find the time or courses though? Keywords: nursing ceus, nursing, nursing…


Title: No Longer Alone With E-Learning Word Count: 432 Summary: Analysis of changing trends in electronic learning. Keywords: studying abroad, criminal justice degrees Article Body: In past, online learning programs suffered high dropout rates and poor satisfaction of students because of the tedium of endlessly sitting alone at a computer working through exercises without social…


Title: Getting A 21st Century Education Word Count: 652 Summary: Introduction The current practice of today’s generation looks at different lifestyles that one would like to follow suit. Usually, the lifestyle models are successful philanthropists who seem to find money on trees; literally. There is definitely a charm that endears a financially free lifestyle. However,…


title:No Knowledge No College GOODBYE Career author:Kacy Carr source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_187.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Wondering what to give the children for Christmas, wondering what gives joy, wondering how to educate/occupy and provide fun at the same time. Well stop wondering because we now have the eighth wonder of the world, and that is the Internet. The…