
Title: Things To Consider In Choosing A Di stance Education Word Count: 552 Summary: In this day and age of multiple careers many people are considering furthering their education online. While this distance education alternative to the regular college campus offers the convenience of working with your current daily obligations this mode of education is…


Title: Reading Strategies For Struggling Readers Word Count: 1031 Summary: Struggling readers are simply individuals who have not learned effective reading strategies. Don’t be too concerned if you aren’t familiar with the term, “reading strategies;” most good readers never had to learn them; instead, they just use them naturally. Struggling readers, on the other hand,…


Title: The Value Of Online Community In Dance Education Word Count: 422 Summary: The recent surge in information technology has allowed the wonderful development of an online dance community. This allows the sharing of information and advice among dancers all over the globe, which is fantastic for the growth of the industry and for the…


title:Reading Activity For Kindergarten author:Mary Joyce sour ce_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: As a homeschooler one of the most important tasks for you to accomplish in your child at an early age is getting them interested in and developing good reading habits. At an early age learning to recognize letters, the sounds they make and…


title:Reading Activity For 2nd Grade author:Mary Joyce source_url : date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: As you think about or look at a reading activity for 2nd grade keep in mind that about the 2nd grade reading level is an area of reading transition for the young reader. As you begin to make the transition into a…