
Title: The Earth as an Onion Word Count: 407 Summary: Despite th ousands of years of gazing at the stars, we’ve never found another planet like Earth. Who would’ve thought looking inward would reveal the Earth is formed like an onion. Keywords: Earth, outer core, inner core, magnetic field, iron, alloy, mantle, crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere…


title:The Curse of the Easy A author:Chad Criswell source_url:http://www date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Many current music educators grew up in a time when being in an ensemble was solely about playing the music for the next concert. I personally cannot recall ever doing a worksheet or any real music theory work while in high…


title:The Challenge Of Learning The Chinese Langu age author:John Davison source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Chinese is a language, or a group of languages, spoken by 1.3 billion people worldwide. If you believe Chinese to be one language, rather than a grouping, it is the single most commonly spoken language on the planet. It is…


Title: The Bigges t Advantage And Major Pitfall Of Online University Degree Programs Word Count: 805 Summary: In this article we explore the new revolution in education that’s taken place in the last 10 years via the internet and how you can turn back the clock so to speak and get that degree and job…


title:The Benefits Of Taking A College Course Onl ine author:Tawee Subsomboon source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: There are many reasons why you might want to consider taking a college course online. By far the greatest advantage of taking a college course online is convenience. You can take a college course online from anywhere that has…


title:The Basics Of A Criminal Justice Degree author:Jim Greenberg source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Following the tragic events of 9/11 there is today a much greater awareness throughout society about such issues as homeland security, airport security, public safety and management, international terrorism, criminology and criminal psychology and many other related subjects. Interestingly these are…