
Title: The Web Makes it Easy to Get Math Help Word C ount: 519 Summary: Using video lessons that are interactive and cost-effective, students can essentially receive one-on-one math instruction while working through problems at their own pace. Keywords: math help,algebra,exponent,fraction,basic math,logarithms,polynomials,trig,perms and combs Article Body: When you or your child needs math help, it’s…


title:The Virtual Job Market author:Diane Hess source_url:http://www.arti date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: In the last decade, there has been an increase in the virtual job market. This is due to the major decline in corporate jobs. Whether you have a college degree or high school diploma, the higher paying positions just aren’t there for the…


title:The University o f Phoenix Degree Program vs. a Traditional Degree Program author:Hal McIver source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: There are different schools of thoughts advocating either a traditional degree or an online degree. Whereas the goal of education and job marketability remains the same, the point of argument is over the ways in which…


Title: The Ultimate Classroom Management Challenge: Teaching In The Hormone Zone Word Count: 545 Summary: Teachers, it’s the ultimate challenge in classroom management, isn’t it? If you find it challenging to teach and counsel students suffering from “hormone poisoning,” here are some great interventions to help your teens use their heads instead of their hormones….


Title: The Ubiqui tous Project Gutenberg – Interview with Michael Hart, Its Founder Word Count: 4159 Summary: Michael Hart conceived of electronic books (e-books) back in 1971. Most pundits agree that in the history of knowledge and scholarship, e-books are as important as the Gutenberg press, invented five centuries ago. Keywords: Article Body: November 15,…


title:The Truth About Refinancing Student Loans author :Tripp Taylor source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: There are many students and graduates out there that are struggling with paying for their student loans. Often times, these people have heard of refinancing student loans in order to make their payments lower and more manageable. But before you consider…


Title: The Truth About 529 College Savings Plans Word Count: 456 Summary: The 529 College Savings Plan is designed with all the information you need to make a real difference in your college savings endeavors. Keywords: 529 college savings plans, college savings plans, college tuition, scholarship, paying for college, student loans Article Body: Its time…