
Title: USB digital microscope Word Count: 103 Summary: A portab le USB Digital Microscope that fits in the palm of your hand, providing remarkable picture and video quality. Resource: Keywords: digital microscopes, usb digital microscopes,, cool microscope, microscopy, video interfacing, USB microscopes, QX-5, QX-3, ProScope, education microscopes, forensic microscopes, jewelery microscopes, jewellery microscopes,…


title:Unleash The Power Of eLearning author:Susan Wong source_url : date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: eLearning is becoming a very popular topic among people in this age. The idea of eLearning is to popularise an indepth, convenient, interactive mode of education through the Internet. Scientific research reveals that the best way of learning methodologies are the mix…


Title: University of calicut Word Count: 360 Summary: The Univer sity of Calicut, came in to being on 23/07/1968, by ordinance No. 5/68 of the Govt. of Kerala, which was subsequently replaced by the Calicut University Act 1975. Keywords: calicut, university Article Body: The University of Calicut, came in to being on 23/07/1968, by ordinance…


title:Type Of College Degree author:Mark Woodcock source_url:http://www.a date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: There is a certain sense of distinction that comes with having a college education. No matter what type of college degree you have, whether it is a 2-year associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree, or a higher level graduate degree, you know that your…


title:Tutoring Versus Training author:Dr. Ken Gibson source_url:http:// date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Your child has difficulty in third grade math. You send him to a tutor. The tutor works diligently for several weeks with him on his grade-level math concepts and assignments. He goes on to pass the third grade with B’s. So far so…


Title: Tutoring Services: Five Tips for Cho osing the Best Word Count: 493 Summary: How do you make an informed decision about which tutoring service to use? Here are five tips for choosing the best. Keywords: tutoring, tutors, tutor, test preparation, online tutoring, math tutor Article Body: Today, tutoring services abound. There are a number…


title:Tritium Technology in Military Watches author:Trevo r Rowell source_url: date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Tritium paint has been used on the hands and numerals of watches since the 1930’s. At first this technology was Top Secret and restricted to use on military watches. Tritium paint on watches is a mixture of tritium and phospor. Tritium is…


Title: Treasure Hunt Supports Military Fam ily Scholarships Word Count: 347 Summary: Treasure hunts are all the rage, from Disney’s hit film, “National Treasure,” to NBC’s new show, “Treasure Hunters.” This summer, everyone can participate in a treasure hunt and earn a chance to win prizes while donating to a cause: academic scholarships for the…