
Title: V3 Screen Printing Word Count: 506 Summary: Everywhere aroun d logos, designs and art shows up and comes out of the woodwork using a modernized version of an older technology. Screen printing is a helpful way to expose a company name and/or logo to the public. Screen printing originally started out using silk as…


title:Using the Library for Homeschooling author:Lorraine Cu rry source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_143.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Where can homeschoolers get unlimited educational materials and not spend a dime? The library, of course! What a blessing to be able to bring home stacks and stacks of books, all for free. The library makes homeschooling an option for parents who…


title:Using DVD and Video in Your ESL Class – P art Two author:Keith Taylor source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_337.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Have you ever wondered how to use video in your ESL classes, without just sitting your students down in front of the screen and hitting ‘Play’? Here are five more activities for you to try. 1…


title:Using DVD and Video in Your ESL Class – P art One author:Keith Taylor source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_338.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Have you ever wondered how to use movies in your ESL classes, without just sitting your students down in front of the screen, hitting ‘Play’ and sitting back to watch? Here are a few ideas to…


title:Use Tax Credits To Help Finance You r College Education author:Pat Nash source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_76.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Students are always on the lookout for ways to help pay or offset the cost of their tuition. There are various government grants and scholarships available to you if you qualify. But what if you don’t qualify for…


title:Use Mind Maps to Improve Your Learning author:Royan e Real source_url:http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_464.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09 category:education article: Are you still taking notes to organize your information the old fashioned way? Try the technique of making mind maps, and see whether this method of organizing your thoughts works better for you. When you need to organize your thoughts,…