
Title: Accounting Careers Word Count: 685 Summary: Accountants play a critical role in a company’s many financial facets. In general, they balance books, record costs and profits, execute payroll, pay taxes and bills, and issue financial statements to outside organizations. Although these may appear to be straightforward tasks, accountants are required to be well-versed in…


Title: Academic Referencing: An Essentia l Guide For Students Word Count: 576 Summary: Many students underestimate the importance of referencing but from an academic perspective, referencing is vitally important. The cornerstone of any academic writing be it a term paper, essay, research project or dissertation is the dissemination of ideas. References, i.e., source material based…


Title: 7 Places To Go For Your Homeschooling Needs Word Count: 702 Summary: Homeschooling is slowly becoming a trend nowadays and most parents are having fun with the interaction they are having with their child. Some parents are still having second thoughts regarding homeschooling though. Their main concern is that they might be having some…