Aromatherapy Basics – Inhalation, Injestion And Massage

Getting started with aromatherapy? Here’s a little primer for the beginning to intermediate student of this practice, with some important notes about essential oil safety – There are three traditional methods of using essential oils for ‘aromatherapy’, which have been termed the English, French and German models. The English model consists of what is now…

Are Everyday Candles Destroying Your Home And Health?

Are Everyday Candles Destroying Your Home And Health? Did you know that most candles are made from the sludge in the bottom of a barrel of oil which is bleached and texturized with a chemical called acrolein? They’re called paraffin candles and burning one puts all the same horrible toxins and carcinogens (cancer causing agents)…

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms. Seek the advice of your health care professional if these symptoms are affecting your daily life. Here are a few of the most common anxiety symptoms. Chest Pain Chest pains are a frightening symptom of anxiety, and one that should not be taken lightly. If…


Some degree of anxiety is perfectly normal. We all experience situations where we may feel fear and apprehension. However, there are some people who feel anxious even when there is no discernible cause. In these cases, the anxiety usually becomes overwhelming and may interfere with the normal functioning of one’s life. People who suffer from…