Dead Sea Minerals – Health from the Lowest Point on Earth

A study involving a European occupational therapist suffering from psoriasis who had obtained compensation from her health insurance in order to undergo therapy at the Dead Sea has lead to great interest in health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries. This has resulted in their subsidizing treatment from the Dead Sea for people…

Current Dietary Recommendations in Strength Training

Efforts to expand the limits of human strength and endurance have kept the scientist and the athlete occupied for centuries. The quest for another pound of muscle, or to lift next couple of kilos has been relentlessly pursued in the gym and the laboratory alike. As the questions and conquests became more challenging, the answers…

Conspiracy Foods, The Inside Story about the Mass Produced Foods that are Making Society Sick

Food manufacturers can easily manipulate a whole population by the products they make available at a cheap price. The way those foods are processed and the things that are added to them can decide the level of health that millions of people experience. These days the most widely marketed and consumed foods in the western…

Bodily Attributes!

The revolution is indeed underway. Money married to desire, imagination and necessity has produced a technological revolution which will see incredible changes and potential. This is not about any morbid fixation, but rather about complimentary technologies. Some religious ideologists, or ethically sensitive groups, may not approve. Fine! Each to his own. But, someone dealing with…

Be Nutrition Savvy: Seven Simple Ways to Eat Healthy (with Strawberry Orange Sorbet recipe)

The key to better health is learning the difference between healthy and unhealthy nutrients. The choices we make greatly affect our health. Making a few simple healthy and nutritious changes in our dietary choices can have a profound and positive impact on our health, well-being, energy levels and life span. For instance . . ….