Herbal Remedies To Prevent Travelers Diarrhea

Travelers visiting many tropical, sub-tropical and developing countries run an increased risk of suffering a gastrointestinal illness. These are usually caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses. The microscopic bugs at the top of these rather gut wrenching (for all the wrong reasons…) charts are E Coli, the staphylococci, shigella and salmonella species, campylobacter jejuni, cryptosporidiosis,…

Health Thoughts Living on the Health Minimum Wage?

Random thoughts taken from valuable sources, what many nutrition experts consider to be the most important nutrients and health habits a person should have to help them stay healthy long term. We would categorize them into the following areas. Dietary Fiber – Fiber is extremely important to your health in a number of different ways….

Health And Fitness Software, What Should Be In It? Part 1

Let’s keep the answer simple; everything that is related to your health. The most important indicators for your state of health can be measured though your vital signs, like blood pressure, cholesterol level, heart beat, body mass index etcetera. The major input that influence these health indicators are what and how much you eat and…

Healing Through Stories

Stories are powerful. How many times have you heard a child beg, *Tell me a story.* Scientists say we are wired to learn through stories. In fact, the first three polysyllabic words your child spoke are most likely Mommy, Daddy and story. Story-telling is an important activity when seeing your doctor. Your doctor’s question —…

Glycemic Index, a Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready To Burst?

Glycemic index ranks different carbohydrate foods depending on their potential to raise blood glucose levels. The ranking is on a scale from 0 to 100.Higher the Glycemic index, higher is the particular carbohydrates ability to effect a spike(rise) in blood glucose levels. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises…

Get Control of Your Acne

There are many varieties of acne and many different treatment plans. Technically called acne vulgaris, this skin disease affects millions of Americans annually. Nearly 85% of people develop acne at some time between the ages of 12-25 years. Almost everyone suffers from outbreaks of pimples at some point in life, making acne one of the…