Serial Killers

Countess Erszebet Bathory was a breathtakingly beautiful, unusually well-educated woman, married to a descendant of Vlad Dracula of Bram Stoker fame. In 1611, she was tried – though, being a noblewoman, not convicted – in Hungary for slaughtering 612 young girls. The true figure may have been 40-100, though the Countess recorded in her diary…

Self-Defense Within Martial Arts Training Demands a Real-World Perspective

This story is being offered in response to a request made by my teacher, Soke (Grand Master) Masaaki Hatsumi, during a recent training visit to Japan. During one of the training sessions, Soke was suggesting that everyone, regardless of rank, should make it a point to talk to those with actual combat experience and to…

Relieve Emotional and Physical Pain Quickly with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Innovative Power Therapies Provide Simple Techniques to Deal with Trauma Recent years have seen the development of a family of therapies that offer clinically effective alternatives to traditional, long-term treatments. These Power Therapies only require one to three sessions, but the results are usually permanent. Each of them provides noticeable relief from negative emotions, pain,…

Quit Smoking

Consider this: Already since 1972, over 60 million people in the USA alone have successfully quit smoking! At one stage over 60% of the adult population was addicted to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping. Now, isn’t this a fair thought. If all these people can do it (60 MILLION OF THEM!) –…

Pulling The Roots Of Disease

“Anybody who tells you that disease has only one cause, and that drugs and surgery are the solution, is DEAD WRONG.” Dr. Ward Coleman, N.D. Unhealthy aging and diseases of the body systems (such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, immune dysfunction, etc.) are MULTI-CAUSAL. Extensive clinical analysis by Four Mountains, Inc. has revealed the following…


Diseases of the prostate gland:- 1) Prostatitis:- This is the inflamation of the prostate gland due to bacterial infection. 2) Benign enlargement of the prostate:- This is a non cancerous tumour of the prostate seen after the age of 50. 3,Cancer of the prostate:-This is the 4th most common cause of death from malignant diseases…

Pranic Therapy – Part I

Pranic Therapy Part I – An Introduction Pranic Therapy is an alternative system of Medicine using therapy with the Universal Stream of Consciousness, the Cosmic Prana. Pranic Therapy can be effectuated by proper knowledge of the psycho- physical organism, physical and mental discipline and opening all our channels to the Cosmic Prana. This is normally…

Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil — Why Is It Different?

A flood of scientific evidence about fish oil points to a startling conclusion that taking high-dose fish oils, which are very rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, helps support a healthy heart, a healthy brain, a healthy immune system, healthy joint movement, healthy kidneys and much more. Each grade of fish oil is distinguished from the…

Personal Training: 6 Secrets of Award Winning Customer Service

Would you believe that your ability to provide quality customer service to your clients is at least as important as your ability to get them results from their training program? Did you even know that customer service was going to be part of your business model? After all, what does personal training have to with…