Applying For and Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

The process of applying for and getting Social Security Disability is very long and convoluted; hopefully, this article will shed some light on the things one can do to smooth out the process and what to expect along the way. Once you have become disabled, do two things immediately, Consult a competent disability attorney Start…

Anger and Health

The effects of anger on health have more to do with duration than frequency and intensity. The normal experience of overt anger lasts only a few minutes. But the subtle forms of anger, such as resentment, impatience, irritability, grouchiness, etc., can go on for hours and days at a time. Consistent, prolonged levels of anger…

Amazing Water

Before the floods of Noah, before epidemics, before disease and before a shortened life span, there was pure, energized water. Different from the water we drink now, free of chlorine, additives, chemicals for purification and toxins, from factories. This water was full of life giving energy, vitalized water. Some 30 years ago, a French researcher…

A Breakthrough for Chiropractic Patients: ‘Snapshots’ of Their Nervous System Lead Them to Wellness

‘Insight Subluxation Station’ provides color scans of problems and progress (ARA) – People under chiropractic care often wonder: “Why do I have to keep coming back if I’m pain free?” or “How do I know I’m getting the proper amount of adjustments?” Thanks to a breakthrough in technology, however, these questions no longer arise for…