Do you Have the Burning Desire to Lose Weight or Reach any Goal?

NOTE: This article is one of the component parts of the 9-step WTA3 program contained in the ebook titled “The Action Path -Your Key to Success!” due out in 2005 at – Do you have a Burning Desire? – Do you have a burning desire to lose weight and reduce your body fat to…

Dental Hygiene, an Ancient Practice – The History of the Toothbrush

One of the most asked questions by adults and children is the origin of the toothbrush. There are several schools of thought on when the real toothbrush was created, but you need to look far into the past for the first evidences of oral hygiene. The Chinese were believed to create the first real toothbrush,…

Cross Training

One of the biggest misconceptions about exercise is that there is “one” program that works for someone all the time. People think that they need to get on a particular workout program and just keeping doing that program over and over again. Although getting on a good program IS a necessary first step, ensuring that…