Male Impotence Myths

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said: “There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance”. Those words still ring true today. Many of the myths and legends about impotence, borne out of ignorance thousands of years ago, still influence our sexual culture. Primitive cultures believed that male virility…

TMSDP Rock The Night Away In Your Rocking Chair Cushions

507 A good rocking chair cushion can add a load of extra comfort to your favorite rocking chair. The gentle rocking motion meant to calm the restless mind and body is enhanced by a cushion which will take some of the hardness of the wood away. You can purchase cushions which are simple tie back…

Lose Weight-Tone Abs With Electronic Muscle Stimulator? Can Body Fat Melt Away?

You have probably seen plenty of advertisements extolling how Electronic Abdominal Stimulators can melt your belly fat fast and quickly. Most of these advertisements will also claim that their electronic abs stimulators can also flatten your tummy to reveal your six pack abs muscle. They even claim that by using electronic abs stimulators for X…

Little David

Sometimes during my training in obstetrics I met a mother whose baby had many birth defects, such that it would die shortly after birth. Some advise abortion in these cases as a “compassionate measure” for the mother. When the Pope says abortion is wrong, is he lacking compassion? I knew that I should not participate…

Leading Medical Journal Concludes That Smoke Particles Cause Damage To All Human Cells

Although there has been suspicion for years that air pollution does more to the body than what was known, it was not until recently that researchers in California discovered something quite significant. Through in-depth studies, these experts found that microscopic particles in the atmosphere can have the capability of disrupting some of the inner mechanics…

TMSDP Robot Vacuums: The Modern Way Of Cleaning

537 Contrary to most popular beliefs, the concept of robotics is not exactly a new form of technology. According to history, robots have been on the market for so many years now. In fact, the very first documented construction of a working robot was a masterpiece of Jacques de Vaucanson in 1738. Since then, many…

TMSDP Rigid PVC Sheets in Construction Industry

532 PVC is a versatile material and PVC sheets can be produced to meet special application needs. Rigid PVC sheets can, for example, be used as wall cladding, roofing, skylights and partitions in the building construction industry. Wall Cladding, Wall Panels, Hygienic Wall Cladding, PVC sheet, ProClad, Decorative Wall Panels, Ceiling Panels, Flexible PVC, PVC…